Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some Days It Just Doesn't Pay . . .

. . . to get out of bed. And today was one of those days. I had a hair appointment this morning in Kaufman. It's about a 40 mile round trip but my hairdresser has been doing my hair for years and I am just not going to change. Besides she is a killer colorist.
I couldn't find my appointment card but I thought it was at 9:oo so I got up and going early. I usually stop at the Starbucks that is on the way but since we are trying to cut back on extras I made a travel cup and took it with me. All was well until about half way there I picked up the cup for a sip of coffee. I had grabbed the lid instead of the cup and the lid came off. Coffee spilled everywhere. In the midst of my coffee shower the windsheild wipers came on. I blotted up the mess as best I could but I could not get the wipers to turn off. They just kept going and going and going.
When I arrived at the beauty shop I found out my appointment was at 10:00 so I decided to run by the local GM dealership and get them to look at my errant wipers. They couldn't look at the car until the afternoon so the service guy said he would remove the fuse and that would stop them temporarily. He said the switch probaby got coffee in it and they would probably work right once it dried out. Problem solved. I got my hair done and went home.
When DH came home from work I told him about my windshield wiper adventure. I gave him the fuse the service guy told me to hang on to and he
said he would put it in and make sure the wipers worked. Well the wipers worked but the car wouldn't start. Now DH does not lead anyone to believe that he is a car mechanic. He can do the most basic things but anything more than basic our car goes to the shop. They love us right now (another story for another day).
Well he fiddled and fussed, I made a trip to the auto parts store, and we made a call to my more automotively inclined brother. DB said his truck had recently done something similar and it turned out that the anti-theft system had been inadvertently engaged and would not allow the car to start. He suggested disconnecting the battery for 30 minutes to allow the system to reset and try again. DH removed the cables and we let the car sit. After a half hour or so DH reconnected the cables and tried to start the car. Nothing happened, absolutely nothng. BUMMER!!!! Hubby did notice that the doors didn't automatically lock upon (attempted) ignition so he locked and unlocked the doors with the remote control and voila it worked!!!! Thank goodness the car started.
Now if I can just figure out how to get that pesky check engine light that came on while I was driving my son's truck to turn off . . .

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